The best anti scars treatments

How scars are formed and how to make them disappear

Scars are a natural part of the skin recovery process, whether from a wound, a mosquito bite, acne or an incision performed during an operation. Scar tissue regenerates slowly and scarring is a process that can take several months. During the first three months, the cells and vessels are reformed. The scar extends, reddens and hardens. Then it stabilizes and begins to whiten. This process may take another three months. The best scar treatment varies depending on the type of scar.

Types of scars

Mature scars
The mature scar is a line or a light color point. It does not change or fade more.

Immature scars
This scar is red and slightly raised. It can still fade and become less visible.

Pigmented scars
Also called red scar, pigmented scars are the most common result of a pimple. It’s more like a colored spot than a bump. Often pink, red or brown, it can also be purple or white. This type of scar can completely disappear if well treated.

Hypertrophic scars
Hypertrophic scar is a scar that forms a few weeks after the injury and which thickens during healing. It may fade naturally but it is a long process that can take up to two years! It can be caused by acne and grows by chickenpox.

Keloid scars
On the other hand, keloid scars are much thicker and it varies from red to purple tone. It is extended beyond the boundaries of the original wound. On the chest, face and back, it is often caused by acne pustules. On the arms, it is caused by vaccines. Keloid scar removal is by far the most tedious.

Best treatment for scars

Medical treatments


The peeling is used to remove the top layers of facial skin to fade imperfections. The peeling also stimulates collagen production and replacement of new cells, therefore a rejuvenating effect and luminous skin. Superficial peels are used for acne scars removal, the medium peeling is rather for dark spots and the strong peeling is used for wrinkles.

Laser scar treatment

Another effective scar removal treatment, laser scar removal treatment varies from one type of scar to another. Pigmented scars (red scars) will be more successful with a pulsed dye laser (PDL), while laser treatment for acne scars is best done by infrared laser.


The injection of steroids or cortisone (a drug with anti-inflammatory properties) is also used to reduce the appearance of scars. Particularly effective in the case of keloid scars.


Since our skin is constantly renewed barrier, surface treatments such as creams, serums and lotions are almost ineffective. The rejuvenation therapy of the skin by microneedling is a scar removal treatment using a roller with very fine needles which are intended to penetrate the skin thoroughly to stimulate collagen and elastin fibers.


Microdermabrasion is a skin rejuvenation treatment where it vaporizes small crystals on the face in order to thin the top layer of the skin. This is somehow an exfoliant which reduces the marks and leaves skin soft and young.

Scar treatment products

And yes, there is a scar cream. Cortisone based creams are a good start. Cortisone reduces inflammation and accelerates the scar healing process. Cortisone cream is available for over-the-counter but also under medical prescription.

Brightening creams containing kojic acid, arbutin, licorice and blackberry extracts can reduce redness without damaging or irritating the scars. Healing after operation can be further stimulated by these ingredients.

Vitamin E, and aloe extract act as a wound healing product. You can also add a few drops of essential oil of lemon or lavender to your favorite moisturizer and create a scar healing cream. It is possible to mitigate or make it disappear completely by addressing the problem immediately.

Home remedies for acne and other scars

Scar treatment can be done naturally. Here are a few examples of tricks to remove scars:

Fresh lemon juice
Lemon juice has a bleaching effect, so anti acne marks. Mix with water (ratio 1: 1) and apply directly to the face. Wait 15 minutes and wash. Moisturize immediately after treatment since the citric acid content in lemon greatly dries the skin.

Baking soda is an exfoliant!
Make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of baking bunker in two tablespoons of water (1: 2). Apply the paste all over the face and gently massage the face in a circular manner for about two minutes. Wash.

Honey has excellent antibacterial properties. Moreover, it serves to soothe the skin, thus helps to heal. Use a small amount of raw honey directly on the scar using a cotton swab. Ideal for sensitive skin because honey is not irritating and it moisturizes the skin.

Aloe is filled with vitamin E and contributes to rejuvenation of the skin. The aloe plants are particularly effective to remove scars because the sap flows directly from the leaves.

Ice cubes
Ice is used to reduce inflammation and redness. *Tip: to freeze green tea and use the ice on the scars. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that helps soothe the skin.

Apple cider vinegar
It helps control the pH of your skin and helps reduce the red marks scars. Dilute with water (ratio 1: 1) and apply daily with a cotton ball on the affected areas.

Treatment of scars in our daily skincare regime

Protecting your skin from the sun
The healed skin is more sensitive and sun exposure can greatly increase the appearance. It is important to always apply a layer of sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) and limit exposure to the sun.

Avoid irritants
Choose a cleanser, moisturizer and a mild detergent. Clean facial skin with cold or warm water. Hot water dries the face.

Exfoliate regularly
Exfoliate our skin helps to clear dead cells and make room for new skin. Since the scars are on the top layer of the skin, exfoliate helps to reduce the appearance.

Don’t touch!
Avoid scratching or pinching buttons. This interrupts the healing process and increases the chance of scarring. Moreover, we can spread the infection to the entire face.

Eat well and drink lots of water
The food and water we consume affects our bodies, including our skin. A healthy diet increases the overall health of your skin and the water removes toxins and helps the skin regain firmness.